fredag 27 november 2015


This is how you send your documents to URKUND.

Your document is in  Google Drive, click on "Arkiv", "skicka som e-postbilaga" send it to :

onsdag 18 november 2015

Essays - URKUND

Don't forget to send your essays to URKUND. Scroll down for the address.
I won't comment the essays until I have received a message from URKUND.

tisdag 17 november 2015

Group assignment

If you missed class on Tuesday you should take a look at  Assignment: Media Broadcast  to the right, for information.

Elias Pålsson is in the same group as Mohamed, Felix, Karl and Sandra.
Simon Larsson is going to work with Isak, Caroline and Filip
Magnus Tornberg should join Johan Emmoth, Hanna Söderlund and Ida

tisdag 3 november 2015

Written Assignment - Globalisation

Write a discussing essay  where you explore and discuss what the English language, oil and globalization have to do with each other. 

Do they have similar qualities? Does one depend on the other? How? Give examples

Your essay should not be longer than one and a half page. Try to use new words from the wordlist to show you understand them.

Your essay is to be a formally written text. Use the list of  informal and formal words.

Write in Google drive

Time: three lessons On Friday 46: Share with a class mate and discuss your texts.
Share with me for comments  ( )

Also send to URKUND:

Wednesday 4 November

I'm at a meeting today too and this is what you are to work with:

1. Check the hand out Formal and Informal. There is a key on the table outside my room.
2. Start working with the written assignment. Above you will find the information you need.

See you on Friday

måndag 2 november 2015

Tuesday week 45

Listen to: How globalised we aren't.

In his speech professor Pankaj Ghemawat gives examples of  how globalised we aren't.

What is globaloni according to Mr Ghemawat?

What does he say about techno transers, Facebook, immigration and foreign aid?

Write your reflection on Mr Ghemawat's speech in the light of what we have studied in our textbook and to your debate. SHARE WITH ME, PLEASE.