Week 17 on Wednesday - Afternoon tea with mingling
Three lessons: Wednesday week 12, 14 and 15 for research
Purpose: to feel more confident when you find yourself in social situations outside school. You will also learn about historical people from the English speaking world.
Topic: a roleplay - you will play the part of a historical character real or fictional. You have been invited to afternoon tea at my palace in London where you will meet different people.
* I will give you a card with the name of the character you will act.
* Prepare for some opening phrases, such as "Hello, have you travelled far?" I'm XX an I've come here from X." or "Are you enjoying yourself?" or " Quite a gathering here tonight, don't you think?"
* Prepare some appreciative phrases such as"Really, how interesting!" or "I didn't know that." This will prevent you from saying "oh", "wow", or "OK" all the time which might sound as if you don't know English or as if you are disinterested.
* Prepare some departure phrases. Don't get stuck with one person, it's perfectly alright to move on to someone else after a little while. " Well, it's been very nice meeting you, I certainly hope we will have the chance to talk again." is a good departure phrase that won't sound rude. Another one is
" You know, I have to speak to someone over there, it's been a pleasure talking to you. I hope we'll meet again."
* Take control over your body. Your body, voice and eyes are extremely important in a social situation, Nodding too vigorously can be interpreted as being aggressive instead of interested. Distinguish Swedish sounds from English. For example, "Mhm" or "Mmmm" means different things in the two languages. ( If you don't know what to do with your hands, place them behind your back rather than fidgeting or putting them into pockets.)
* You can make up for poor grammar or vocabulary by being interested. Share personal experiences: " Yes, That happened to me too." or " Tell me, do you believe......? "
* Exaggerate! Don't be afraid overdoing it. In many English-speaking cultures both polite gestures and expressions such as "please", "sorry" and "excuse me" are used to give a polite expression.
Voice intonation is also used to create impact with the other person. In Sweden this is sometimes interpreted as a bit "too much" or superficial. Remember that this is merely a cultural trait that you look upon with your own cultural glasses.
Keep an open mind and try to exaggarate a little to sound more authentic in your English-speaking role.
* Have I researched the historical character I am to play?
* Do I have some opening phrases to start off with?
* Have I prepared two or three appreciative phrases?
* Do I have some suitable departure phrases in mind?
* Am I in control with my body language?
* Am I prepared to bring up personal experiences in a conversation?
* Do I exaggerate my intonation and my gestures?
onsdag 23 mars 2016
tisdag 22 mars 2016
måndag 21 mars 2016
Add linking words and change informal words to more formal in this essay

Enkeleda Vranoci
Circumcision ( female genital mutilation) The
phenomenon of circumcision is the act of mutilating the female genital in order
to prevent women feeling sexual pleasure. A lot of books describing Arabic
Countries especially describe the terrible way women feel

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Circumcision ( female genital mutilation)
The phenomenon of circumcision is the act of mutilating the female genital in order to prevent women feeling sexual pleasure. A lot of books describing Arabic Countries especially describe the terrible way women feel about this, but when we have the chance to meet girls who have experienced this in their life, in their own flesh and in some cases twice because the family thought that the first time had gone wrong, the first reaction is simply terrifying. After that the human mind becomes conscious wondering different questions about the topic.
I personally
had the chance to meet some of those young women who were so willing to share
this issue with me, serving as a spiritual release for them. How can a human
mind be so devilish to take away the divine right of the person in this case
“female” to feel pleasure, how could the human called man be so cruel, self
centred and super egoistical to do this to his wife, to his daughters, to his
sisters only for the sake of honour, was human mind sick all the time in some
directions or simply lacked lore?
A lot of Arabic countries as well as African like Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea have been doing this process to their female children varying from 2-3 months old – 8 years old in order to keep their ego calm that these little amputated girls would become well behaved, would not dishonour their family names.
Men throughout the centuries have thought of their way of being comfortable without considering feelings, opinions or objection of women showing this way their leadership role really strict and inconsiderate also. Being such dishonest against women they ruled and their ego prevailed the society.
Education is the key to reach development and equality, both qualities lacked in the countries where the cruel action of circumcision happens until nowadays. Wisdom makes the man behaving better toward others, allowing the female and other members of society being able to have freedom of choice, thought and what is the most important behaviour which allows females to live freely in many parts of the world where this tradition is frowned upon.
The expression in the faces of innocent people who have been hurt in a way or another have some traits in common showing their hidden anger, sadness, weakness and disability to protect themselves as a result of being unable. These young women I had the opportunity to talk to will suffer forever the consequences of the past as in some cases the time does not give the possibility to recover. Circumcision is not forgotten neither forgiven as the feeling not to have a feeling that God and nature donated but human denied is so strong affecting the mind repeatedly over and over. Educate generations so they would be able to inherit values, not pain, stress or hopelessness.
tisdag 15 mars 2016
ABSTRACT - How to start
Abstract - Suggestions:
The novel Twilight written by Stephenie Mayer became a success not only due to the use of different genres but for ….
Vampires have always fascinated people and been present in literature for many years. In Stephenie Mayer’s Twilight the vampires are different from the earlier ones by ……
The very popular love story in the novel Twilight by S M about a vampire and a young girl is a new way of presenting vampires. ….
To get a grip of a report::
Start by reading the introduction, continue with the conclusion and lastly read the body.
torsdag 3 mars 2016
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