onsdag 27 april 2016

Test on Friday in class room 117

Please respect each other and be in time.

08.10 - 9.40 (90 min)                                 Focus: Reception & Usage - Reading


10.00 -  12.00 (120 min)                            Focus: Writing

Lunch break

13.00 - 13.40 (40 min)                               Focus: Reception & Usage  - Usage


13.50 -  14.40                                             Focus: Reception& Usage - Listening

fredag 15 april 2016

Discuss and report

Discuss cause/s - effect/s of...

group 1. - trafficking/ trading with people
group 2. - child labouring today
group 3. - lack of education for children around the world
group 4. - poverty in the world

Research on Friday

Report on Tuesday:

Start by giving background information about your topic.
Then tell that you have discussed causes and effects of ......

( In an essay you should write three paragraphs)
When reporting you can  report one cause and three effects or one cause and an effect for each one.

In the conclusion you are to summarise your research and give your opinions about how it would be possible to solve the problem.