onsdag 29 oktober 2014

Assignment - Discussing Essay

Write a discussing essay  where you explore and discuss what the English language, oil and globalization have to do with each other. 

Do they have similar qualities? Does one depend on the other? How? Give examples

Your essay should not be longer than one and a half page. Try to use new words from the wordlist to show you understand them.

Your essay is to be a formally written text. Use the list of  informal and formal words.

Write in Google drive

Time: three lessons
Share with me for comments: Thursday 12 November ( geng@skola.kiruna.se )

tisdag 9 september 2014

This course

I aim to work in accordance with formative assessment, which means giving qualitative feedback rather than scores and marks on assignments. Feedback on performances in class or on assignments, enables you to restructure your understanding/skills and build more powerful ideas and capabilities.

Formative assessment is contrasted with summative assessment. The former supports teachers and students in decision-making during educational and learning processes, while the latter occurs at the end of a learning unit and determines if the content being taught was retained.

To move focus away from achieving grades and onto learning processes you should rewrite assignments which are commented on and you have received rubrics for. The rubrics focus on the current status of your language ability and what you should improve. Furthermore, this should give you chances to participate in modifying or replanning the upcoming classes.

When working with assignments you should use peer response in order to make your thoughts visible to each other, which will broaden your understanding for the task and the target language.

Link to The National Agency for Education

måndag 10 februari 2014

The National Agency for Education

For your information The National Agency for Education has published tests for English Course 7. They are not National Tests, only to help teachers  in marking.

Therefore there will be a written test, an essay and an oral test in April.